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Company Name: Mary Carter Dolls
Location: Hampton, VA, USA
Birthday: July 11
Family Information: Married 33 years: husband, Hal; sons Geoffrey 32, Timothy, 30 and Michael 28; daughters-in-law Mary, Angie and Kellie; and expecting eighth grandchild in June 1998.
Media Used: Porcelain, Super Sculpey/Cernit blend, and recently Flumo
Type/Style of Dolls: Porcelain reproductions, mainly contemporary, but I have done antique; one-of-a-kinds in Super Sculpey/Cernit blend; and I've made my own molds.
Length of Time in Dollmaking: Nearly six years; took my first class in porcelain reproductions in March 1992.
Professional Credits: I'm a member of several dollmaking organizations and have dolls in 26 States. Since I began making dolls nearly six years ago, I've already sold 457 of them in a variety of mediums, but predominantly porcelain.
Awards: I've never placed my work in competition on a national scale. Awards have been in the nature of recognition of my work via the news media.
Comments on Dollmaking: Dollmaking fills my life, not only as a creative outlet, but also as a form of self-therapy. It is such a diverse activity, and there's always something new and interesting to learn. It's also a social link to others who share my love of all kinds of dolls.
Me with one of my favorites, a contemporary porcelain reproduction. It's my own interpretation of Donna RuBert's original sculpt of 28" Amber. This doll is poured in my own color blend of Seeley's porcelain slip and painted with china paints from Virginia LaVorgna. She is soft-bodied, jointed at the hips, shoulders and neck, and is available in either a seated or standing position.
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